It is a polysaccharide composed of the sugars galactose and mannose, extracted from the endosperm of the seed of the guar plant, cultivated in the arid regions of India and Pakistan.
Guar gum is one of the most widely used hydrocolloids; it is stable over a wide pH range and soluble in cold water. Guar gum is a natural and gluten-free food thickener
Guar has a strong synergistic effect with xanthan. The consistency is ‘long’ and often described as slimy, it has a sticky, bean-like taste and the maximum viscosity is about 6000 cps.
Main products
Idealblend GF-5000: high viscosity fine-mesh guar gum Idealblend GF-3500: medium viscosity fine-mesh guar gum Idealblend GR: refined guar gum for special applications (viscosity 100 to 3000 cps).
It is a gelling agent extracted from red seaweed that reacts with casein in milk to form gels and produces strong, brittle gels with syneresis in water.